Use Time Wisely

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“Time is all the capital stock there is on the earth; … If properly used, it brings that which will add to your comfort, convenience, and satisfaction. Let us consider this, and no longer sit with hands folded, wasting time.” In Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young (1997), 134.

A Five-Step Plan for Time Management

If you’re looking for ways to balance your busy schedule, consider the following five steps from My Foundation for Self-Reliance:

1. List tasks. “Each morning, make a list of tasks to do. Add names of people to serve.”

2. Pray for guidance. “Listen. Commit to do your best.”

3. Number your priorities. “Put a 1 by the most important, a 2 by the next most important, and so on.”

4. Set goals and act. “Listen to the Spirit. Set goals. Work hard. Start with the most important task and work down the list.”

5. Report. “Each night, report to Heavenly Father in prayer. Ask questions. Listen. Repent. Feel His love.”3